NextFerm Announces First Commercial Production of ProteVin™
Read moreNextFerm Technologies Announces Commercial production agreement for ProteVin™ with GFR Ingredients.
Read moreThe NextFerm pitch at Israel’s AgriFood Summit 2021.
Presented by NextFerm’s CEO Boaz Noy.
Fermentation: the next frontier of alternative proteins | World Economic Forum
Read moreמודעה בדבר כינוסה של אסיפה כללית מיוחדת של בעלי המניות של החברה
ניתנת בזה הודעה, כי אסיפה כללית מיוחדת של החברה תתכנס ביום 7 באפריל 2021, בשעה 12:00 במשרדי עוה”ד של החברה- מיתר עורכי […]
Why Astaferm is the Ideal Astaxanthin for Gummies
Nutritional Outlook’s Jen Grebow and Elzaphan (Elz) Hotam of NextFerm Technologies discuss what makes AstafermTM astaxanthin special and why it’s ideal for the gummy format.
Why Astaferm is the Ideal Astaxanthin for Gummies
Nutritional Outlook’s Jen Grebow and Elzaphan (Elz) Hotam of NextFerm Technologies discuss what makes AstafermTM astaxanthin special and why it’s ideal for the gummy format.
AstafermTM Gummies: Astaxanthin and Vitamin C as the ultimate antioxidant protection in a vegan-friendly gummy
Recent advancements in fermentation technology have made possible for a new form of astaxanthin to emerge. That form of astaxanthin is having multiple advantages over the generic algae-derived astaxanthin, mainly with its high potency and favorable flavor, as well as its texture profile.
Nextferm’s ProteVin awarded third place in Calcalist’s FoodTech innovation start-up contest
NextFerm, an Israeli food-tech start-up has previously launched Astaferm, a yeast-derived astaxanthin
Nextferm’s ProteVin awarded 3rd place in Calcalist’s FoodTech innovation startup contest.
ProteVinTM is the first vegan protein delivering flavor, nutrition and performance, thus overcoming current plant protein’s main limitations.